Alito speaks at Federalist Society fundraiser, following in ethically-challenged footsteps of Scalia and Thomas
AFJ and Common Cause released this statement today:
WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 16 - For the second year in a row, a justice of the
Supreme Court has flouted judicial ethics by headlining a fundraising gala for
a lawyers group, the Alliance for Justice and Common Cause said Friday.
From the Federalist Society website |
Justice Samuel Alito was a featured speaker at the "30th Anniversary
Gala Dinner" of the Federalist Society on Thursday night. Alito’s
appearance was the drawing card for the $175-dollar-a-plate event,
society’s website indicates.
Were Justice Alito sitting on any lower federal court, his appearance would
violate Canon 4C of the Code of Conduct for federal judges. That canon
explicitly bans federal judges from being featured speakers and guests of honor
at fundraising events. The code does not formally apply to the Supreme Court
Last year, Justices Clarence Thomas and
Antonin Scalia spoke at the same Federalist Society fundraising event.
The annual dinners attract a crowd of more than 1,200 lobbyists, judges and
lawyers, including some with high-profile cases before the court. Attendees at
Thursday’s dinner, for example, included at least three lawyers involved in
cases challenging the constitutionality of the federal Voting Rights Act. Their
Washington-based firm, Wiley Rein LLP, was a “silver” sponsor.
Justice Alito has become a regular at
such functions, having previously spoken at fundraising events for the American
Spectator magazine and the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. The
Institute describes itself as working for "limited government, individual
liberty, personal responsibility, the rule of law, market economy and moral
Alliance for Justice President Nan Aron noted that a 2012 Hart Research Associates poll conducted for AFJ found that only 41% of Americans approve of the job the Supreme Court is doing. "If the public begins to believe that the justices are just politicians in robes, their credibility will further erode."
"In his 2011 Annual Report, Chief Justice John Roberts claimed that 'All members of the Court do in fact consult the Code of Conduct in assessing their ethical obligations,'" Aron said. "But it is clear that they are free to routinely ignore that guidance. That’s why guidance is not enough. Either the justices should formally agree to abide by the Code or Congress should require it."
"The words 'Equal Justice Under Law,' are carved into the marble above the
entrance to the Supreme Court," said Common Cause President Bob Edgar, "but
it’s clear that when it comes to judicial ethics, some members of the court
consider themselves better than equal to the rest of the federal judiciary.
Their refusal to embrace and abide by the Code of Conduct is disturbing."
Edgar and Aron emphasized that addressing an organization like the Federalist Society is not, in itself, a breach of ethics. The ethical line is crossed when the justice’s appearance is used to raise money for the organization.
From AFJ:
From Common Cause: