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Thursday, March 26, 2015

How Spotify Lets Your Rights Get Lost in the Fine Print - and What You Can Do About It

March 26, 2015

Nan Aron | President, Alliance for Justice
The moment you sign up for the music streaming service Spotify, you lose some very important rights - and Spotify wants to bury what you're losing in the fine print.
Spotify specifies that when listeners click "sign up," they agree to its terms and conditions - found on a separate page of the Spotify website. Buried in the fine print of those "terms and conditions of use" is a forced arbitration clause. As the ad says, that means if you have a dispute with Spotify, you have to take your case to a decision-maker at a firm they choose - not a judge or jury. In addition, if Spotify violates the rights of thousands, even millions of its listeners, they can't band together to seek justice.

Interested in learning more, see the full text of Nan's piece at the Huffington Post.

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