By Cathie Whittenburg, on-line communications consultant,
States United to Prevent Gun Violence
Let’s have a deep, heart-to-heart discussion about
guns. Let’s not play the game the gun
lobby wants to play, the one where they talk about guns as an absolute right
and are constantly accusing us of wanting to ban all guns. Let’s be clear right from the start, there is
no organization out there working to ban all guns. Period.
It doesn’t exist. And while the Supreme Court might have ruled that you
have a right to own a handgun in your home for protection, Justice Antonin Scalia
also wrote, “like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not
unlimited. It is not a right to keep and
carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”

There are parts of our country where our children are
suffering from clinical depression and have PTSD because of the level of gun
violence that surrounds them on a daily basis.
And while, as a nation, we are no more or less violent than other
industrialized countries, due to the overwhelming number of guns in this
country our homicide rate is by far the highest.
In 1982, when seven people died after taking Tylenol
capsules laced with cyanide, the response was reforms in the packaging of
over-the-counter drugs and federal anti-tampering laws. In 2001, a passenger on
an airplane flying from Paris to Miami attempted to set
off explosives hidden in his shoe. In
response to this incident, passengers at U.S. airports are now required to
remove their shoes before proceeding through scanners. Every year, defective and dangerous products
are recalled, engineers study ways to make our roads and bridges better,
agencies monitor and regulate the water we drink, the food we eat, the cars we
drive, the airplanes we travel in, all in an effort to keep us safe.
Yet when it comes to gun violence, all too often the
response from our elected officials is silence and an unwillingness to address
the issue. Really?
The time is now to start a serious, national conversation
about guns in this country. Because this
is an issue that affects real people and the impact of this discussion will
last for a long time.
Yes, it’s important for you to call your Senators and
Congressperson and tell them we need stronger gun laws. But it can’t end there. Call your state legislators too, call your
city councilor, call your religious and business leaders, talk to your
neighbors and the person standing behind you in the grocery store line. Tell them you want to have a real discussion
about guns.
Ask them if they know the true dangers of having a gun in
the home. Tell them that while guns
might be used to stop some crimes, they are far more likely to be used to
commit crimes. Mention that guns are
the only consumer product not regulated for health and safety and as a result
there are guns out there that can discharge just by being dropped. Point out that if a civilian wanted to
purchase a fully automatic AK-47 they would have to apply for a special federal
gun license and then register the gun.
Ask why, then, is it OK for someone to buy a semi-automatic version of
the exact same gun without so much as a criminal background check. Ask them why anyone needs to be able to fire
30, 40, 100 rounds before having to reload. Point out that the Second Amendment
refers to “arms” not “guns” and the very fact that you can’t go out and buy a
nuclear weapon shows that regulation already exists.
States United to Prevent Gun Violence wants to help you with
these conversations. We want you to feel
prepared and excited and to give you information, because information has the
power to change the culture.
● Sign-up
to receive The GVP Report, our e-magazine for the gun violence prevention
movement. Every other week, we will send
you a comprehensive overview of the issue, emerging news and trends, and ways
to get involved in the movement.
Presented in an easy to read dashboard format, The GVP Report allows
readers to quickly scan the content and link to articles of further
interest. The GVP Report is the only
publication that offers a consistent, comprehensive, inclusive look at the gun
violence issue in this country. You can also read it online.
● Visit our website, and see if there is a state member group where you live. If there is, give them a call and tell them
you want to help.
One thousand people a day have their lives taken, injured or
threatened with a gun. When we allow
anyone to buy a gun through a private sale at a gun show or over the internet –
no matter how dangerous the person, no matter how dangerous the gun – no one is
free from the threat of gun violence.
Let’s have a real, heart to heart discussion about how we will work to
change this.

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