Today at the park near the U.S. Senate, a coworker and I joined thousands of people for a rally in support of the
Employee Free Choice Act. This legislation would restore workers’ freedom to bargain for a better life, and make our economy work for everyone. The rally was a kick off for the delivery of petitions signed by over 1 million people asking Congress to pass this new law. Workers from dozens of national and local unions from the Teamsters to SEIU and the AFL-CIO to the United Steel Workers were there, along with progressive organizations like Alliance for Justice, the Sierra Club and other members of the
Blue-Green Alliance.

Senator Tom Harkin (D–IA) (wearing the red scarf in the photo) fired up the crowd and urged us all to turn up the heat to pass the bill in Congress. President Obama has promised to sign this critical legislation.
Though the day was cold, the fire in our hearts burned bright. Getting off to a great start with the
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act victory, it is clear that the Obama administration and this new Congress are ready to stand up for the rights of working families. It’s time to turn up the heat and win laws that encourage equality and fairness in the workplace.
Kathy Plate, Online Organizer, Alliance for Justice
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